Using interpreters to obtain testimony from Japanese witnesses during depositions or trial reveals the complexities of the Japanese language. Interpretation is a cumbersome and inefficient way of getting information at best. Language and cultural differences can cause a complete breakdown in communication.

Ms. Seat attends depositions and trial in many cases to give immediate assistance when language barriers arise, assist with documents and help in other ways. In ordinary circumstances, she (or other SHINSHU staff) monitors the official interpreters to make sure that questions and answers are satisfactorily interpreted and subtleties are not missed.

Ms. Seat can also assist in the preparation of Japanese witnesses for depositions or trial. Preparation for expected styles and lines of questioning during the deposition or trial is particularly valuable. Since the U.S. legal system is very different from the Japanese system, explaining U.S. legal practices and answering witnesses’ questions in Japanese will help allay concerns and obtain maximum cooperation.


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